About Us

At the very heart of the ecumenical movement is the reality of prayer. Jesus prayed in the Gospel of John 17:21 - : ''That they may all be one Father, just as you are in me and I am in you...'' united in God in the mystery of the Trinity. That is the basis and the goal of our search for unity.

Ecumenical ministry enables us to journey in prayer through every region of the world affirming our solidarity with our Christian brothers and sisters living in diverse situations, experiencing diverse problems and sharing diverse gifts.

Our community comprises members and associates of various Christian denominations: Roman Catholic, Anglican, Spiritual Baptist, Presbyterian, Methodist and Pentecostals. We provide a safe space, all welcoming and human-respecting environment so that each person may experience love and charity, hope and healing.

Our Team

Stephen Jones

Nicole Poyer

Sanya Beharry

Angelique Taylor